last revised 01 MARCH 2019 walking trilobite image ©2000 by S. M. Gon III Previous TOM archive images available by request via email 2019: March Trilobite of the Month: Archaeaspis cf. macropleuron February Trilobite of the Month: Brachyhipposiderus antiquatus January Trilobite of the Month: Redlichia isuelaensis 2018: December Trilobite of the Month: Ditomopyge artinskiense November Trilobite of the Month: Trimerus delphinocephalus October Trilobite of the Month: Niobella linstroemi September Trilobite of the Month: Neodrepanura premesnili August Trilobite of the Month: Kochina walcotti July: Sam was on vacation in Europe! June Trilobite of the Month: Hemiarges paulianus May Trilobite of the Month: Decoroproetus corycoeus April Trilobite of the Month: Lanceaspis hammondi March Trilobite of the Month: Goldius sp. February Trilobite of the Month: Comptonaspis swallowi January Trilobite of the Month: Declivolithus titan 2017: December Trilobite of the Month: Tamdaspis jingxiensis November Trilobite of the Month: Basseiarges mellishae October Trilobite of the Month: Ovalocephalus primitivus September Trilobite of the Month: Glyptagnostus reticulatus August Trilobite of the Month: Shergoldia laevigata July Trilobite of the Month: Ductina ductifrons Moved Tsinaniidae from Corynexochida into Asaphida June Trilobite of the Month: Pseudodechenella sp. May Trilobite of the Month: Malvinella buddeae April Trilobite of the Month: Sphaerocoryphe dentata Added figure and citation of ontogeny of Zhangshania March Trilobite of the Month: Liobolina nebulosa Added link to Hegna et al 2017 (eggs of Triarthrus) Updated Ontogeny page to document discovery of eggs of Triarthrus February Trilobite of the Month: Triarthrus eatoni with eggs! January Trilobite of the Month: Palaeolenus lantenoisi 2016: December Trilobite of the Month: Minicryphaeus sarirus November Trilobite of the Month: Choubertella spinosa October Trilobite of the Month: Selenopeltis buchii No September TOM: Sam was at the World Conservation Congress August Trilobite of the Month: Isotelus platycephalus July Trilobite of the Month: Acanthopyge sp. June Trilobite of the Month: Proetopeltis cf waldschmidti May Trilobite of the Month: Proetidae cf Diademaproetus Linked to Best Infographics of 2015 (as awardee!) April Trilobite of the Month: Stummiana arkonensis March Trilobite of the Month: Acadoparadoxides levisettii February Trilobite of the Month: 3D model Ceraurus (venter) January Trilobite of the Month: Kendallina sp 2015: December Trilobite of the Month: Postikaolishania jinxiensis November Trilobite of the Month: Neltneria termieri October Trilobite of the Month: Goniagnostus nathorsti September Trilobite of the Month: Parvilichas marochii Updated Earliest Trilobites to reflect 2015 find in Spain August Trilobite of the Month: Elliptocephala sp. July Trilobite of the Month: Liomegalaspides hupeiensis June Trilobite of the Month: Lochmanolenellus trapezoidalis May Trilobite of the Month (none: Sam was travelling) April Trilobite of the Month: Paradoxidid in amber March Trilobite of the Month: Hungioides constrictus February Trilobite of the Month: Orygmaspis spinula January Trilobite of the Month: Acidaspis cincinnatiensis 2014: December Trilobite of the Month: Daguinaspis sp. November Trilobite of the Month: Dicranopeltis scabra propinqua October Trilobite of the Month: Redlichia mai September Trilobite of the Month: Hongshiyanaspis yiliangensis August Trilobite of the Month: Bumastoides billingsi July: Sam was on travel in Paris! June Trilobite of the Month: Redlichia mansuyi May Trilobite of the Month: Odontopleurida cf Meadowtownella sp. April Trilobite of the Month: Pterocephalia norfordi March Trilobite of the Month: Agnostotes clavata February Trilobite of the Month: Hydrocephalus (Rejkocephalus) rotundatus January Trilobite of the Month: Morocconites sp. nov. 2013: December Trilobite of the Month: Bufoceraurus bispinosus November Trilobite of the Month: Platypeltoides cf. magrebiensis October Trilobite of the Month: Myopsolenites altus September Trilobite of the Month: Tretaspis latilimba August Trilobite of the Month: Pagetia sp. cf lira July Trilobite of the Month: Didrepanon sp. June Trilobite of the Month: Spathacalymene nasuta May Trilobite of the Month: Amecephalus laticaudatum April Trilobite of the Month: Cedaria minor March Trilobite of the Month: Cyrtometopella aries February Trilobite of the Month: Zeliszkella renaudae January Trilobite of the Month: Brachymetopus mccoyi 2012: December Trilobite of the Month: Cyphaspides sp. November Trilobite of the Month: Eccaparadoxides pradoanus October Trilobite of the Month: Scabrella luxemburgensis September Trilobite of the Month: Yiliangella xundianensis August Trilobite of the Month: Acernaspis cf orestes July Trilobite of the Month: Arthricocephalus chauveaui June Trilobite of the Month: Eodiscus punctatus May Trilobite of the Month: Eccaparadoxides rouvillei April Trilobite of the Month: Kaotaia magnum March Trilobite of the Month: Monkaspis daulis February Trilobite of the Month: Dicranurus hamatus elegantus January Trilobite of the Month: Struveaspis sp. 2011: December Trilobite of the Month: Lichinae sp. November Trilobite of the Month: Lichas marocanus October Trilobite of the Month: Akantharges sp. September Trilobite of the Month: Hamatolenus sp. August Trilobite of the Month: Bellacartwrightia jennyae July Trilobite of the Month: Sam was in Europe on Vacation! June Trilobite of the Month: Emuella polymera May Trilobite of the Month Monodechenella macrocephala April Triobite of the Month Elrathia kingi March Trilobite of the Month Archegnous cauliquercus February Trilobite of the Month Aciculolenus palmeri January Trilobite of the Month: Irvingella sp. 2010: December Trilobite of the Month Kettneraspis tuberculata November Trilobite of the Month Nahannia sp. October Trilobite of the Month Phalagnostus nudus September Trilobite of the Month Gabriellus lanceatus August Trilobite of the Month Olenoides paraptus July Trilobite of the Month Phillipsia belgica June Trilobite of the Month Australosutura sp. May Trilobite of the Month Griffithides ixtaltepecensis Added Emucaridae to Trilobite Relationships page April Trilobite of the Month Odontochile sp. March Trilobite of the Month Cyphaspides sp. February Trilobite of the Month Kootenia spencei January Trilobite of the Month: Dipleura dekayi 2009: December Trilobite of the Month: Norwoodia assemblage November Trilobite of the Month: Ptarmigania rossensis October Trilobite of the Month: Ohleum cf. eurydice September Trilobite of the Month: Olenellus fowleri August Trilobite of the Month: Achatella acates July Trilobite of the Month: Olenoides inflatus June Trilobite of the Month: Dicanthopyge sp May Trilobite of the Month: Paranephrolenellus cf. besti April Trilobite of the Month: Peachella iddingsi March Trilobite of the Month Pagetia significans February Trilobite of the Month Lepidoproetus aff diademifer Unveiled draft page on The Earliest Trilobites January Trilobite of the Month: Olenoides sp. 2008: December Trilobite of the Month: Amecephalus cf. idahoense November Trilobite of the Month: Viaphacops bombifrons October Trilobite of the Month: Kochina (?) sp. September Trilobite of the Month: Ampyx nasutus August Trilobite of the Month: Koneprusia sp. Added link to Fourth International Trilobite Conference to Links page Added image of trilobite tracks and nest on Trilobite Traces Added image of superb ventral Triarthrus to Ventral Morphology July Trilobite of the Month: Foulonia sp. June Trilobite of the Month: Piltonia carlakertisae May Trilobite of the Month: Pandaspinapyga mutica April Trilobite of the Month: Laethoprusia sp nov March Trilobite of the Month: Damesella paronai February Trilobite of the Month: Dysplanus acutigenia New trilobite locality page: The Walcott-Rust Quarry Some edits to the page on Origins of Trilobites January 2008 Trilobite of the Month: Lehua ponti 2007: December 2007 Trilobite of the Month: Zacanthoides grabaui Created a page introducing the trilobite Cephalon Added anaprotaspis and metaprotaspis section to Ontogeny page November 2007 Trilobite of the Month: Sphaerocoryphe robusta October 2007 Trilobite of the Month: Cernuolimbus sp. Added Life History Strategies to Ontogeny page September 2007 Trilobite of the Month: Centropleura neglecta Updated classification notes for Order Lichida Drafted page recognizing Order Odontopleurida August 2007 Trilobite of the Month: Zacanthoides cf serratus Added a page on the trilobite Thorax July Trilobite of the Month: Bessazoon tigerensis June 2007 Trilobite of the Month: Utaspis marjumensis May 2007 Trilobite of the Month: Dolichoharpes reticulatus April 2007 Trilobite of the Month: Selenocoryphe "platyura" Added a page of unusual trilobite reconstructions March 2007 Trilobite of the Month: Pradoella tazzarinensis Added genal spine image & terms on Major Features page February 2007 Trilobite of the Month: Coronocephalus sp Added more information on Development/Ontogeny page January 2007 Trilobite of the Month: Rhenops cf anserinus 2006:: Update of systematic notes for summary page on Order Lichida December 2006 Trilobite of the Month: Dalmanites myops November 2006 Trilobite of the Month: Pseudocryphaeus quaterspinosus October 2006 Trilobite of the Month: Metopolichas erici September 2006 Trilobite of the Month: Gudralisium lindarense August 2006 Trilobite of the Month: Weania superba July 2006 Trilobite of the Month: Illaenus bayfieldi June 2006 Trilobite of the Month: Pianaspis sp. Added page on Trilobite Biostratigraphy Added page on Trilobite Abnormalities Added larval characters to Corynexochida Fact sheet May 2006 Trilobite of the Month: Stygina sp. April 2006 Trilobite of the Month: Metopolichas platyrhinus Adjusted the Trilobite Order Relationships page Added reconstructions of some late Permian trilobites March 2006 Trilobite of the Month: Lachnostoma latucelsum Added new trilobite locality page: Latham Shale of California Drafted page on living Trilobite Imposters February 2006 Trilobite of the Month: Parahomalonotus planus Added info to Trilobite Ventral Morphology page January 2006 Trilobite of the Month: Glyptambon verrucosus 2005: December 2005 Trilobite of the Month: Cornuproetus cornutus Created page on exoskeletal sculpture: Trilobite Prosopon November 2005 Trilobite of the Month: Olenoides nevadensis October 2005 Trilobite of the Month: Homotelus bromidensis September 2005 Trilobite of the Month: Cyphaspis sp. August 2005 Trilobite of the Month: Paladin chesterensis July 2005 Trilobite of the Month: Acanthopyge (Lobopyge) consanguinea Page drafted on the world's largest trilobites June 2005 Trilobite of the Month: Albertella longwelli More localities added to world trilobite localities page May 2005 Trilobite of the Month: Acadoparadoxides nobilis Drafted page on trilobites of Burgess Shale and Chengjiang April 2005 Trilobite of the Month: Cryptolithus bellulus April 1 2005 "Trilobite" of the Month: Serolina delaria March 2005 Trilobite of the Month: Gerospina schachti February 2005 Trilobite of the Month: Dresbachia sp. Transfer of entire website to www.trilobites.info January 2005 Trilobite of the Month: Pseudocybele nasuta 2004: December 2004 Trilobite of the Month: Failleana indeterminata November 2004 Trilobite of the Month: Isotelus latus October 2004 Trilobite of the Month: Morocconites malladoides Adjusted cross section images on the page of Internal Anatomy September 2004 Trilobite of the Month: Mesonacis vertmontanus August 2004 Trilobite of the Month: Orygmaspis contracta July 2004 Trilobite of the Month: Nobiliasaphus nobilis June 2004 Trilobite of the Month: Unidentified Siberian trilobite Unveiled a new page on the final extinction of trilobites May 2004 Trilobite of the Month: Altiocculus harrisi April 2004 Trilobite of the Month: Oryctocephalites palmeri March 2004 Trilobite of the Month: Yunnanocephalus yunnanensis February 2004 Trilobite of the Month: Flexicalymene granulosa January 2004 Trilobite of the Month: Breviphillipsia sampsoni 2003 December 2003 Trilobite of the Month: Chotecops ferdinandi Added genera lists to all Order Fact Sheets Added complete list of all trilobite genera November 2003 Trilobite of the Month: Flexicalymene senaria Added page on Precambrian Origins of Trilobites October 2003 Trilobite of the Month: Modocia typicalis Added Whittington 2003 notes to Corynexochida and Asaphida September 2003 Trilobite of the Month: Thysanopeltis speciosa August 2003 Trilobite of the Month: Hollardops merocristata July 2003 Trilobite of the Month: Bathyuriscus elegans June 2003 Trilobite of the Month: Declivolithus sp Added chart of relationships in the Order Asaphida May 2003 Trilobite of the Month: Presbynileus ibexensis Added a page on the genus Bathynotus April 2003 Trilobite of the Month: Zacanthoides grabaui March 2003 Trilobite of the Month: Olenoides serratus w/limbs February 2003 Trilobite of the Month: Hypagnostus parvifrons Corrected the image: ventral reconstruction of limbs Added "exploded" views of facial sutures January 2003 Trilobite of the Month: Harpides sp. Unveiled pages on the Order Harpetida 2002 Expanded facial suture page to include named suture patterns Revised trilobite classification chart to reflect recent updates Added Classification notes to all order fact sheets December 2002 Trilobite of the Month: Aulacopleura konincki November 2002 Trilobite of the Month: Boedaspis ensifer Added more on trilobite limbs on Ventral morphology page Replaced image of Burgess Shale community (now in color!) ICZN (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature) action posted: Conservation of the genus Cryphops Richter & Richter, 1926 October 2002 Trilobite of the Month: Meteoraspis dis September 2002 Trilobite of the Month: Ptyocephalus yersini Added images of all known trilobite-clade arachnomorphs August 2002 Trilobite of the Month: Dresbachia sp. July 2002 Trilobite of the Month: Schmalenseeia sp. Revisions to the Naraoiidae page Added section on Arachnomorph classification June 2002 Trilobite of the Month: Coosella sp. New book published on Trilobites of New York! May 2002 Trilobite of the Month: Cheirurus (Crotalocephalus) gibbus April 2002 Trilobite of the Month: Drotops megalomanicus March 2002 Trilobite of the Month: Lonchocephalidae sp. nov. Page on Naraoiidae unveiled (Ninth Order of Trilobites?) Added images to Ptychopariida Gallery February 2002 Trilobite of the Month: Illaenus tauricornis Page on Special Morphological Terms added Systematic citations added to Family Listing January 2002 Trilobite of the Month: Palaeadotes hunanensis End of 100K Contest: See answers and winners here 2001 December 2001 Trilobite of the Month: Tricrepicephalus coria November 14, 2001: Guide Website achieves 100,000 visitors! November 2001 Trilobite of the Month: Walliserops trifurcatus Dorsal/ventral morphology charts in multi-language mode New material added to Hypostome page Completed all Pictorial Guides to the Orders October 2001 Trilobite of the Month: Odontochile hausmani Added pictorial guide to the Lichida Added pictorial guide to Corynexochida Added Pictorial Guide to Phacopida Refined the trilobite enrollment animation September 2001 Trilobite of the Month: Aristoharpes sp. Brief update added to section on filter feeding in trilobites August 2001 Trilobite of the Month: Hoplolichas plautini July 2001 Trilobite of the Month: Phacops assemblage ICZN (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature) application posted: Application to conserve the nominal genus Cryphops Richter & Richter, 1926 Large number of trilobites put up for trade (1st come 1st served) Fixed image links in all galleries: please report broken links June 2001 Trilobite of the Month: Russian Ptychopyge May 2001 Trilobite of the Month: Chinese Asaphopsoides April 2001 Trilobite of the Month: Giant Asaphellus Working on page featuring Naraoiidae (Trilobite Sister Group) Sister website created: The Anomalocaris Homepage Update of Anomalocaris reconstruction on Trilobite Ecology page March 2001 Trilobite of the Month: Elrathia kingi February 2001 Trilobite of the Month: Cambropallas telesto Added Amazon.com links to trilobite books January 2001 Trilobite of the Month: Illaenus tauricornis Added page on Trilobite Trace Fossils Added citation on trilobite eggs on Ontogeny page Site accolades and awards moved to separate page Changed some gallery thumbnails on home page December 1999 - 2000 December Trilobite of the Month: Ceratarges sp. Added PayPal purchase option to hardcopy page Hardcopy of this website now available! See page previews Added discussion of genal caeca in Internal Anatomy page November Trilobite of the Month: Olenoides sp nov. Improved image of trilobite ventral morphology October Trilobite of the Month: Balcoracania dailyi Completed Trilobite Evolutionary Trends page Updated Agnostida and Redlichiida Galleries September Trilobite of the Month: Double Dalmanites Added image of rare, many-segmented Balcoracania August: Trilobite of the Month: Kolihapeltis rabatensis July: Trilobite of the Month: Calymene breviceps New sections in Reproduction and Ontogeny page Developing new page on trilobite Evolutionary Trends Improved images in Agnostida & Redlichiida Galleries Richard Fortey's new book TRILOBITE! makes its UK debut Developed a page on Trilobite Feeding Habits Updated the Trilobite Order Relationship Chart Completed a section on Trilobite Paleogeography Updated Geological Time Scale with 1999 GSA standard Unveiled page on Trilobite specimen preparation Improved the animated map of continental drift Added a Site Map for better access to all pages A draft Key to the Orders of Trilobites Developing Pictorial Guides to the Orders Reorganized home page menu by topics Added link to Trilobite of the Month Archives May: Trilobite of the Month: Ceraurus! Feature on Arthropod and Trilobite Relationships Added a feature box on Brood Pouches in Trilobites Added a feature on Evolutionary Loss of Eyes Announced the Winners of the Trilobite Contest Added a feature on Trilobite Internal Anatomy April: Started the "Trilobite of the Month" feature Added a feature box on Anomalocaris Created an animation of a trilobite molting Added the Trilobite Contest Page Created an animation of a walking trilobite Created a page featuring the Trilobite Eye Added a new page on Trilobite Ecology Added a page offering some Trilobites to Trade Resized (smaller) the chart of Dorsal Morphology Changed the Geological Time Chart to a table (faster) Added examples of trilobite protaspides to Ontogeny ©1999 - 2015 by S. M. Gon III ![]() ![]() ![]() |