Fossil Collecting at Calvert Cliffs State Park
Calvert Cliffs State Park is located on Maryland Route 2/4 about an hour southeast of Washington, DC.
The park is open to the public with a $5 fee. Fossil hunting is permitted on the beach and you may keep
what you can carry in your hands. ;)
The beach is a 2 mile walk from the main parking area but there may be closer parking in the campgrounds.

View looking north along the cliff face
The strata are fairly recent, only 25 million years old. the fossils erode out
of the sandy cliff face and are prolific all over the beach.

Density of shell beds in the cliff face
In two hours I found some fantastic 6" pecten shells, several types of barnacles, numerous other species of
bivalves, a bone fragment, a shark vertebra and some weathered plates from turtle shells.
Sharks teeth are supposedly common but I did not find one this time.

Pectens (Scallop Shells)

Assortment of shells, bone, vetebra, barnacles, etc.

Turtle Shell Fragments

Bone Fragment and Vertebra
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